I remember
- finding out you were brewing in moms tummy and the day you were born with that black hair growing wild
- your spot on "God Father" impression when you were only 2
- howling like coyotes while camping
- your smile, those blue eyes and light hair.
- your passion for politics and keeping us informed on where our vote should go
- your passion for equal rights, saying you would not get married until everyone had the right
- That crazy eyebrow
- your going and shoveling driveways with Barry
- Dressing in your old Prom dresses when you got your Masters degree
- You driving across the country by yourself. And thinking how brave/crazy you were to do it
- Being able to gang up 2 against 1 to tease each other
- How upset you were when on your 30th b-day when we made you come have breakfast with us instead of going to the gym (that's dedication)
- Then how excited you were to see Kate had come home from OZ. And how you didn't even realize she was the one offering you cup of coffee
- and how you were upset about me coming home from Boston, not asking you what you wanted to do for your 30th.
- How you were such a badass
- your army pants, TMNT outfit, and how you saw nothing wrong with bringing a knife to school. (imagine you had done that today)
- any time we played- school, house, doctors...anything... your name was always "Michael Thomas Morley" even before he passed
- You being the first of us to buy a home
- How good you were about going to the gym, running, swinging those kettle bells
- That you did a decent job of eating healthy, prepping your meals.
- What would they have done without you to help Emily with her yard. Looks like those Kettle bell swings are working
- Being able to spend 6wks in AZ after my 9lb tumor
- Snuggling together as a family, me needing to be on the outside cause of my surgical scar
- How you offered to come right out to Boston.
- mom attempting to take the "selfie" and how funny it was
- You complaining of sand in your bottom when we were kids on the beach in Mexico
- The mosquitos
- Counting in Spanish with the one armed man at the Bakery
- Camping in Colorado, AZ and Utah
- Me jumping into the metal pole while playing "Marco Polo" and doing a number on my braces
- You keeping updated on shows to watch thru Netflix/Hulu
- How badly you kicked my a** on Scramble. Were you cheating?
- How even though you were 5yrs younger you seemed to be doing better than me
- You and Grams with your matching vests
- The hat and scarfs you Knitted. You were getting pretty talented
- Visiting family in Prescott
- How you never liked the beach or pool that much cause you burnt so easily
- What a chunker you were
- How excited Kate and I were when you were born
- Running around in the woods, Pinecone Wars, Snowball Fights
- Getting the call that they had found you on your bed, laptop open, no note, seemingly an accident. Knowing it wasn't...
- Seeing you in the Mortuary and how difficult that was
- Then your memorial and realizing how many lives you touched and what a great day it was.
- Getting your ashes, and once again realizing how final this is
We miss you Sarabellum, Belle, Bean, Bizzer, Trisarahightops