The reception tent. A lot of work went into making this place look fabulous and it did!
One benefit of rain is that you end up with this beautiful, lush, greenery.
Reid, Meghan's now husband, built this arbor for them to stand under while they got married. We were all impressed!
We went to Pike's Market for floral arragangements for the wedding. The flowers looked great and we had a lot of fun picking them out.
Of course along with making the venue looked great came making us ladies look fabulous too. We headed in early, on wedding day, to a salon to get beautified.
The Bride
Jenna the maid of honor getting her make-up done
All done! That is all hairspray. They slicked the sides back and sprayed my hair straight up!
Meghan and her parents. Who would guess that this girl spent her summer chasing pygmy rabbits in Montana : )
Having not started my new job I was able to see some other friends and enjoy some extra time in Washington. I made it to Tacoma to visit the Grays and tried some of their favorite local hotspots including a delicious hot dog from Red Hots. We went into Seattle one day, toured around and even added our own contrabution to the gum wall.
I even made my way back up to Bellingham to see my friend Melissa, her husband Brian and their newest edition, Riley. It seems like another life ago that I lived there. It was great to catch up!
Melissa, Riley and I at Bob's
Bellingham Harbor and the sun has decided to make an appearance too!
The house I use to live in. Not sure who picked out this color scheme, but honestly, I am not digging it.
Whatcom Falls
I had a wonderful time visiting my old stomping grounds and seeing friends. This state truly is beautiful. I have to admit though I was happy to leave those gray skies and head back to some sunshine.